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Open Pipeline System and Web interface for processing and analysing Amplicon Data


PROMpT is a pipeline system for rapid metagenomic analysis of NGS amplicon sequencing data with a simplistic web interface allowing non-informatic users access to the benefits from NGS sequencing. While built for NGS, there is also the capacity to load classical analytical techniques (e.g. microscopy) to allow easy comparison between the methods.

It is designed to be implemented in analysis of your chosen taxonomic clade, requiring only reference sequences formatted into a blast database and a taxonomic heirarchy which can be defined by the user. Both of these steps are documented and scripts to proiduce the files are included in this package.

Once deployed, PROMpT will be able to be accessed through the web browser to generate new analyses and visualise the community results at varying taxonomic levels with a number of statistical tools.

Check out the Documentation for more information and screenshots of PROMpT in action